Product documentation
Rental Management Security Roles

Within Rental Management the following roles are actively maintained:


RMS Role Description MS License
Rental User

The Rental user contains all privileges and duties needed to perform all rental related ‘daily’ tasks such as creating and processing Rental Quotes and Orders, checking Rental objects and viewing customers and vendors.

Rental Controller V2

The Rental controller is focused on all privileges and duties needed to perform all financial tasks, such as posting invoices, posting journals and checking transactions.   

Rental Administrator V2

The Rental administrator contains all privileges and duties needed to give full access to the Setup menu for the Rental module and is only meant for setup, not for any processes.


Note that it is strongly advised to only use these roles as a base to set up implementation specific (copied) roles. Access to additional developed functionality will be continously added to these Rental roles and are therefore automatically accessible for any users with these roles.

The actual License requirement for a created (customer) role is highly dependant on the customer’s business processes and the actually needed access rights per role. Depending on which privileges and duties are needed, it is very possible that for most rental users only an universal/team member license is required.